An expert take on Digital Customer Success

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Most of your competition spends their days looking forward to those rare moments when everything goes right. Imagine how much leverage you have if you spend your time maximizing those common moments when it doesn’t,
Joe Mansueto, Morningstart Inc

In the ever-evolving landscape of customer success and technology, digital strategies have become a core part of operations on all levens within a company. With the rise of digital customer success management, businesses are finding innovative ways to scale their efforts, automate processes, and personalize interactions. Our recent webinar about; Digital Customer Success, Scaling, Personalization and Automation, featuring industry experts such as Dan Ennis, Marie Lunney, and Adam Avramescu shed light on this field. This blog delves into the insights shared during the webinar, emphasizing key themes such as scaling, automation, personalization, AI, customer data, content creation and customer segmentation.

Understanding Digital Customer Success Strategy

Digital Customer Success refers to leveraging digital tools, technologies, and strategies to manage and enhance the customer success function within an organization. The goal is to ensure that customers achieve their desired outcomes while using a company's product or service, thereby increasing customer satisfaction, loyalty, and lifetime value.

This approach often includes:

  • Automated Customer Interactions: Utilizing AI and machine learning to automate customer interactions, such as onboarding, support, and engagement, which can be personalized to meet individual customer needs.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Collecting and analyzing customer data to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences, enabling proactive support and personalized experiences.
  • Scalable Support Solutions: Implementing self-service portals, knowledge bases, chatbots, and community forums to provide customers with the resources they need to solve issues independently.
  • Proactive Customer Engagement: Using predictive analytics to identify customers at risk of churn and engaging with them proactively through targeted communications and interventions.
  • Unified Customer Experience: Ensuring that all digital touchpoints are integrated and provide a seamless and consistent experience across various channels.

Dan Ennis highlighted the core elements of a digital customer success strategy, underscoring the importance of understanding customer needs and mapping the customer journey. He emphasized splitting the strategy into customer-facing and internal supporting components.

  • Customer-Facing Strategy: Dan suggested starting with mapping the customer journey and facilitating moments of impact either through a pool approach supplemented by content or starting with content and introducing a pooled model later
  • Internal Strategy: The focus should be on content creation and operational support to ensure a seamless customer experience.

Marie Lunney advocated for a holistic approach, emphasizing the necessity of starting with customer needs and preferences rather than assumptions. She pointed out that a comprehensive understanding of the customer journey is essential to identify key moments where digital touchpoints can create significant impact.

Adam Avramescu recommended focusing on critical moments where customers are likely to face challenges, such as post-purchase activation, pre-renewal periods, and during stakeholder changes. He suggested mapping required behaviors and skills to these key moments to develop relevant content and triggers.

Prioritizing Channels for Digital Customer Success

Adam Avramescu advised against attempting to address all customer journey stages simultaneously. Instead, he recommended focusing on specific, impactful moments and starting with pilots in critical areas to measure impact before scaling solutions.

Dan Ennis emphasized the need for an honest assessment of existing processes and eliminating ineffective ones before considering automation. He encouraged focusing on areas that address the most pressing customer challenges.

Key Research Insights:

  • According to Gartner, businesses that focus on improving customer journey touchpoints can increase customer satisfaction by 20% and revenue by 15% .
  • A study by Bain & Company found that companies that excel in customer experience drive revenues 4-8% higher than those of their market peers .

Balancing Human Touch and Automation

The balance between human touch and automation is crucial in digital customer success. Marie Lunney highlighted the importance of user research to understand what customers truly need and prefer. She stressed that any automated process should still offer a degree of personalization to be effective.

Adam Avramescu discussed the balance between providing effective self-service options and maintaining a personal connection with the customer. He mentioned the use of AI to assist in support functions and content delivery. This aligns with broader industry trends where AI is being leveraged to enhance customer success through chatbots and predictive analytics.

Dan Ennis suggested ensuring coordination between sales, marketing, and customer success teams to provide a seamless customer experience. This coordination helps in maintaining the personal touch, your customers will get aligned communication, while leveraging automation for efficiency.

Key Research Insights:

  • A Salesforce report highlights that 73% of customers expect companies to understand their needs and expectations, emphasizing the importance of personalization .
  • Research by PwC indicates that 59% of customers feel that companies have lost the human element in customer experience, stressing the need for a balance between automation and personal interaction .

Ensuring Relevant and Timely Communication

Timely and relevant communication is a cornerstone of effective customer success. Marie Lunney suggested building automated workflows to address changes in customer contact information proactively.

Dan Ennis highlighted the importance of a unified communication strategy across different departments to avoid conflicting messages and ensure a coherent customer experience.

In real life, this might look like a customer receiving a well-timed series of communications that guide them through a new product feature onboarding process. First, they get a notification or a call from the customer success team, followed by a tutorial video in the tool it’s environment, and finally, a follow-up from their dedicated customer success manager to answer any questions. Each message builds on the previous one, creating a cohesive and supportive customer journey.

Content plays a pivotal role in this process. Adam Avramescu recommended future-proofing content instead of actual UI screenshots and avoiding specific color or placement descriptions. This approach ensures that content remains relevant even after product updates. This will ensure that customers won’t get confused after a possible product update.

Dan Ennis emphasized the need for dedicated resources or team members responsible for content generation and management. Creating a system to manage and update content across multiple platforms efficiently.

A unified communication strategy across teams ensures a seamless customer experience.

Achieving Revenue Impact with a Pooled Approach

A pooled customer success strategy can significantly improve retention and expansion rates. Marie Lunney noted that while these strategies take time to implement, they start with lower retention rates and improve as digital touchpoints and strategies are developed and refined.

Dan Ennis pointed out that pooled approaches are most effective when integrated into a broader customer success strategy, leading to both cost savings and increased retention.

Implementing a pooled Customer Success Management (CSM) model is significantly enhanced by utilizing a platform powered by AI-driven automation. Unlike traditional rule-based systems, AI makes the process dynamic, reducing the workload associated with setup and ongoing adjustments. By leveraging AI, workflows are not only automated but continuously optimized to deliver a seamless and standardized experience for both CSM teams and customers. This approach allows pooled CSM teams to efficiently operationalize every touchpoint along the customer journey, ensuring no opportunities to drive value for customers or revenue from renewals and expansions are missed. When executed effectively, this results in a seamless and consistent customer experience that adapts in real-time to changing customer needs and business objectives.

Key Research Insights:

  • Research by Bain & Company shows that a 5% increase in customer retention can increase profitability by up to 75% .
  • The Harvard Business Review reports that acquiring a new customer can be 5 to 25 times more expensive than retaining an existing one, underscoring the value of effective retention strategies .

Customer data is therefore key to modern customer success strategies. AI can help in predictive analytics, understanding customer behavior, and providing personalized recommendations. Leveraging customer data allows for effective customer segmentation, ensuring that each customer receives tailored communication and support.

Marie Lunney and Adam Avramescu emphasized that while AI and automation are powerful, they should never replace the personal touch that customers value. Instead, they should augment human efforts, making interactions more efficient and meaningful.

Key Research Insights:

  • A report by McKinsey & Company indicates that AI-driven personalization can increase customer satisfaction and improve conversion rates.


The insights shared during the webinar underscore the importance of a balanced approach in digital customer success management. By understanding customer needs, mapping key moments, prioritizing impactful channels, and balancing automation with personalization, businesses can create a scalable and effective customer success strategy.

Key takeaways include:

  • Personalization: Delivering relevance and building connections beyond superficial personalization.
  • Content Strategy: Creating future-proof content that remains effective through product updates.
  • Unified Communication: Ensuring seamless communication across teams for a coherent customer experience.
  • Balancing Automation: Using automation to enhance, not replace, human interaction.

As Adam Avramescu aptly put it,

Personalization means delivering relevance and building connection, not just slapping a customer's name on an email.

This sentiment captures the essence of digital customer success – leveraging technology to enhance, not replace, human connections.

In a field that is still evolving, staying updated with the latest trends and continuously refining strategies based on customer feedback and data is crucial. As the experts suggested, starting small with pilots and scaling based on measured impact can lead to sustainable and impactful customer success initiatives.

For those interested in diving deeper into this topic, the panelists their LinkedIn profiles are accessible through the links below, engaging with these thought leaders can provide further insights and practical tips for implementing digital customer success strategies.

Contact Information:

Marie Lunney: LinkedIn - Marie Lunney
Dan Ennis: LinkedIn - Dan Ennis
Adam Avramescu: LinkedIn - Adam Avramescu, Host of CELab podcast

Also, if you want to watch the complete recording, it is available via this link.
The journey towards mastering digital customer success is ongoing, but with the right strategies and a focus on customer-centricity, businesses can achieve remarkable results.